
Information about the novels. There are no translations and no download links for these novels. There aren't any summaries for now, but you can probably guess what happens in them by inferring from the titles. If you are interested or know anyone interested in translating these novels, message me. Title translations are not final.

(Vol 1) 天狗祭嫁取伝説異聞
The Curious Tale of the Legend of Bride-Taking at the Tengu Festival

Original Creator/Writer: Kinoshita Sakura (木下さくら)
Illustrations: Higashiyama Kazuko (東山和子)
Author of the Novel: Nanami Nari (七海鳴)
Published: 2005 Feb 12
(Vol 2) 巷説妖狐残夢奇譚
The Mysterious Story of the Lingering Dream of the Rumored Fox Spirit

Original Creator/Writer: Kinoshita Sakura (木下さくら)
Illustrations: Higashiyama Kazuko (東山和子)
Author of the Novel: Nanami Nari (七海鳴)
Published: 2006 April 12
(Vol 3) 鬼種異界流離呪歌
Wandering Spell-song of the Demonic Spirit-World

Original Creator/Writer: Kinoshita Sakura (木下さくら)
Illustrations: Higashiyama Kazuko (東山和子)
Author of the Novel: Nanami Nari (七海鳴)
Published: 2009 March 25